… and it begins ROO PLANET


1st JUNE 2022

It all begins with an idea.

Tom Vogel and I are avid crypto and meta verse enthusiasts. The meta verse, crypto currency, online gaming, web3.0, the world is an ever changing place. Its blows our minds. It is unbelievable.

As a species, humanity takes advantage of the planet and each other, never thinking of what we leave behind for the future which is our children and their children. We just want more, more, more, more, more everything. What the fuck for? Why do we do this to ourselves? Cash is trash and material things are plastic. Maybe its in our DNA to chase these things of more, I’m not sure. But I know its not healthy for any of us.

Love on the other hand is something beautiful. To look into the eyes of an innocent child that you contributed to making and see them look up at you unconditionally in love before they say something truthful is amazing. And our next generation is something we are not helping. What state of this world will we leave them? A pile of rubble with bad oxygen and no food or minerals.

I do know if there is a Mother Nature somewhere or a superior creator looking down on us, they would be disgusted about the way we are tracking. Maybe this why smart people like Elon Musk are looking at ways to escape Earth and live on Mars.

What legacy do we leave our kids? At the moment I am also one of the herd, 9 to 5 every day. More like 7-6pm but that’s another story. What purpose have we got doing this apart from running the machine? Making a bunch of old white guys rich at the top of the food chain. Its meaningless.

ROOPLANET is an independent NFT and digital project that two guys with a few ideas have created. Honest. truthful. We plan to make money out of this project my word. We want ROOPLANET to be an unbelievable project that gives our community something real and maybe even solves a few problems, also supply a utility and worth it its community.

Maybe the meta verse could benefit peoples lives in the real world? Maybe we could clean up some of humanities mistakes and clean some rivers, beaches, parks, etc… I know a river near my house would be nice if it wasn’t filled with plastic, rubbish and human items left behind. What if we could save some animals that are Australian icons? Contribute to the world in a way our immediate community could benefit without some politician trying to buy votes and spend the governments money it doesn’t have.

To be clear, we have no past projects or BAYC experience and we don’t give a shit. We are making ROOPLANET a unbelievable NFT project for digital art, the community and our children. These blogs will make it transparent and clear to what we are up to.

I hope you want to come along for the journey, because I feel its gonna be a bumpy ride and could also be kick ass. Lets see. Talk soon,



Here we are in the middle…